The encyclopedic portal

On June 1, 2005, the new encyclopedic portal – a joint initiative of the Bulgarian Encyclopaedia Scientific Information Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Trud Publishing House, Sirma Group, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, and the Ministry of Education and Science – was announced at a joint meeting with the media, which took place at the Ministry of Transport and Communications’ conference hall on May 28th. The initiative was presented by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolay Vasilev, “Trud” Manager Nikola Kitsevski, Sirma Group’s Executive Director Tsvetan Aleksiev and the Chief Scientific Advisor of Bulgarian Encyclopaedia Scientific Information Centre Academician Evgeni Golovinski, as well as by official representatives of the Ministry of Education. The overall concept of the portal, the ideas for its development and the possibilities for including scientific teams to supplement and enrich it with valuable information from various fields of knowledge, were demonstrated.

The portal is essential to Bulgarian students. The joint initiative of institutions, academia and business will solve one of the most important issues in the development of the educational system – valuable and up-to-date information provision.

“Providing this encyclopedia to every Bulgarian school is practically a revolution in Bulgarian education. This will enable all Bulgarian children, regardless of their social status and ethnic origin, to have equal access to the most important thing – knowledge”, Deputy Prime Minister Nikolay Vasilev commented on the new initiative.

The portal includes modern and constantly updated encyclopedic and catalogue resources, dictionaries and teaching aids, geographical and historical maps, and multimedia applications. The list of available information will also include sports, entertainment, cultural and tourism resources, options to identify interest groups, create a database of questions and answers from a variety of fields, as well as a personalised profile of each user.

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