Encyclopedia “April Vault” is dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the birth of Vasil Aprilov. The encyclopedia offers a wealth of information about the multifaceted activities of Vasil Aprilov and his colleagues, about the Aprilov High School and the development of the new Bulgarian secular education. The publication includes information on the main nationwide revival processes and events in the field of education, on researchers and followers of the April Work, on contemporaries, associates, followers, students and builders of the Bulgarian secular educational system, who have contributed to the prosperity of Bulgaria in all areas of spiritual and material culture. The encyclopedia is enriched with an additional detailed bibliography. It was published with the support of the National Donor Fund “13 Centuries Bulgaria” by the “Trud” Publishing House. It is intended for pupils, students, teachers, specialists in the field of the history of education and culture, for all those who are interested in revival themes. The author and compiler is Petrana Koleva.
2009, ISBN 978-954-8104-21-0