

The library of the Scientific Information Center “Bulgarian Encyclopedia” is a multidisciplinary scientific library, created as an independent, simultaneously with the “Bulgarian Encyclopedia” service at the BAS in 1955, later “Bulgarian Encyclopedia”.

With its fund of over 6,000 library documents, it makes a significant contribution to building the library and information resources in the BAS system. The library builds a fund of Bulgarian and foreign literature and databases according to the profile of the Scientific Information Center “Bulgarian Encyclopedia”: library documents with universal content (encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, anthologies, monographs, maps, graphic publications, periodicals). The collection of library documents is carried out by the Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, as well as by donations and purchases under projects, on which the collaborators of the National Center “Bulgarian Encyclopedia” are working.

Together with the Central Library, the library provides library and information services, including through access to foreign databases, interlibrary borrowing, references. With the introduction of the integrated library and information system ALEPH 500, the collection of the library of the National Center “Bulgarian Encyclopedia” (BE) is included in the online catalog of the Central Library of the BAS and is part of the unified online catalog of the academic library network.

Through the shared subscription of the Central Library, the library of NC “Bulgarian Encyclopedia” has access to EBSCO host, JSTORE and databases. Trial accesses to various databases are also periodically organized. Within the framework of the national subscription, the library has access to Web of Science, Science direct and Scopus.

The collection of the library of the National Center “Bulgarian Encyclopedia” contains valuable publications such as: “Encyclopedic dictionary with contents” in 3 volumes (1899–1907) by Luka Kaserov – the first Bulgarian general encyclopedia; “Bulgarian Encyclopedia. А–Ѫ” (1936) by brothers Nikola and Ivan Danchovi; “Encyclopedia of Military and Naval Science” in 8 volumes (1883–1895); “Desk Encyclopedic Dictionary” in 8 volumes (1899); Dictionnaire général de la politique (1874); “The pocket Oxford dictionary of current English” (1924).

Readers are served according to the general service order in the academic library network. Books published before 1950, rare and valuable, as well as periodicals and reference books are used only on site in the library. External readers also use everything locally.

The head of the library is Petya Nikolova.

The library of the Scientific Information Center “Bulgarian Encyclopedia” is available at:

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