Encyclopedia “Holy Places of Bulgaria” is the first edition of its kind that offers systematized popular science information about places related to the spiritual needs of society from prehistory to the present day. With rich illustrative material and proven scientific facts, the publication traces the sacred places on the territory of the country – some of them existed in the past, others – an object of worship even today, reveals the cult practices and religious rituals performed at these places, and traces their functional continuity through the ages.
The reader will immerse himself in the rich cultural and historical heritage of Bulgaria, will feel pride in the monuments of the multi-layered religious culture and traditions over the centuries, will get acquainted with the pagan cults that preceded the monotheistic religions, with the process of establishing and spreading Christianity, with the appearance of Islam and the Jewish religion on the territory of today’s Bulgaria.
More than 600 objects are presented with independent articles – prehistoric sanctuaries, unique monuments related to the beliefs of the Thracians, ancient Greek and ancient Roman temples, the first cult buildings of pre-Christian Bulgaria, Christian churches and monasteries, Muslim and Jewish cult buildings. Many of them today have the status of immovable cultural values of national importance, part of the multifaceted spiritual cultural heritage of Bulgaria. The rich illustrative material complements the text and reveals a full-blooded world of artistic and architectural masterpieces of timeless importance.
A glossary of terms, information on gods, saints and prophets mentioned in the encyclopedia, and an index of sites by area, useful for cultural tourism enthusiasts, are included to assist readers.
The editor-in-chief of the encyclopedia is academician Vasil Nikolov, a prominent Bulgarian archaeologist, professor, doctor of historical sciences, with merits for popularizing the achievements of Bulgarian archaeology.
The publication is a continuation of the traditions in the publishing policy of the “Bulgarian Encyclopedia” to promote various aspects of the rich artistic and spiritual culture of the people who inhabited the Bulgarian lands over the centuries, as well as the related real cultural values. The extensive volume also publishes information about archaeological sites that has not been included in popular science books so far.
Encyclopedia “Holy Places of Bulgaria” is a valuable source of reliable information for all who are interested in the places revered for centuries as sacred by various cults and religions.
The publication is luxurious, colorful, hardbound, printed on glossy paper, distinguished by high printing quality and stylish design. Its volume is 704 pages and includes over 1300 photos. Layout and design are the work of “Knigomania” publishing house.
2022, ISBN 978-954-810-443-2, 978-619-195-327-1